Monday, November 17, 2008

Oh, that St. Louis Magic...

Now has a cover, or pin-up, or what have you.

Yeah, the Ghostbuster likenesses are iffy, Aykroyd being the best, Murray being The Joker (I'll rectify that later)

Removing the type, keen observers will notice Busch Stadium in the background. Actually, the whole area is St. Louis specific, the main building being the AT&T building. That structure changed quite a bit because I wasn't trying too hard to match it, but after I decided to add the full city background, I wish I'd been a bit more attentive.


Anonymous said...

Nice! Good to see a st. louis downtown shot that doesn't have the arch sticking out like.

SamP said...

Pin up covers are nice... but I always like the ones that reflect what's inside (be it directly or indirectly)...